Categoria : News by TPole | 20 Marzo 2018
Gli Switch Lite Managed sono switch con un numero ridotto di features rispetto ai classici Switch Full Managed; le features mantenute sulla linea lite sono particolarmente adatte all’impiego nel mondo del machinery e dell’industrial automation.
Tale ottimizzazione si traduce in un notevole risparmio sul prezzo di acquisto rispetto al classico switch managed.
Scopri gli Switch Lite Managed
Principali features degli Switch Lite Managed
- LLDP – Allows automatically build up automation network topology by Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
- Loop Detection – Avoids diffusing network storm and maintain network performance through Loop Detection
- Port Priority – Traffic from important automation devices will be prioritize from connecting to the
- prioritized ports
- Modbus/TCP – Plug-n-play Modbus/TCP to enjoy the realtime connection from multiple automation devices
- Mirroring – Easy troubleshooting by scanning the traffic from mirrored ports
Switch FULL managed Vs LITE managed

Integration of Volktek EMS + Managed Switches +
Lite Managed Switches + 3rd Party PLCs & Robots