Category : News by T-Pole | 22 November 2017
We would like to introduce you the new low power Mobile Kaby Lake CPUs.
These are the main features:
- they are system on chip, so they integrate all the features in one chip
- 2 physical cores and 2 logic cores
- TDP of just 15W
It is always very interesting to evaluate processor’s benchmark data.
As an example, we will analyze the performance of the i5 and i7 Kaby Lake processors and compare them with the previous Skylake U versions.
Kaby Lake i5 VS Skylake i5

Kaby Lake i7 VS Skylake i7

This comparison shows a 15% increase in the performance of Kaby Lake processors compared to Skylake, while maintaining the TDP (15W) unchanged.
GPU Kaby Lake VS GPU Skylake
It is also interesting to analyse the videobenchmark data of the integrated GPU on Kaby Lake, compared to the Skylake U GPU.
We remind you that the GPUs integrated in the U version are
- Intel HD Graphics 620 per Kaby Lake
- Intel HD Graphics 520 per Skylake

The data show an increase of just over 10%.
Let’s emphasize that Kaby Lake architecture does not support windows 7, so for the users of this OS the latest available architecture is Skylake.
We also recall that Intel will support this architecture for 15 years from the launch date.